Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Sound of Flowers

Suzy and I went to see Mom at 1:00 p.m. on Friday. By the time we arrived she'd eaten her breakfast sitting up in a chair and had gone to x-ray. She was eating spaghetti and meatballs for lunch. Paul brought her a box of Kilwins truffles, and she had fun sharing it with us.

Mom's oxygen has been very good since Wednesday - close to 100. Her white blood cell count is better. She is thoroughly enjoying herself in the hospital, but she did say yesterday that she'd like to be home where things are familiar.

Dr. Knitter spoke to us in the afternoon. Mom needs to stay in the hospital a few more days on her IV drip. When she comes home she will begin twice-daily injections of Lovenox to prevent clotting and will continue for six months.

Mom is coherent - much better than she was when she was admitted. In the emergency room on Monday, Mom told Suzy she couldn't hear the flowers. Mom doesn't remember it, but we're all smiling about it now.

Hearing the flowers reminds me of Mom's reluctance to receive difficult news. She only wants to hear the good stuff. Suzy and I spent Wednesday evening going over her durable power of attourney forms with her. We tried to complete them with her in May, but discussing end of life plans became overwhelming for her so we set it aside until she was ready to discuss it again. On Tuesday Mom's nurse practitioner, Lori, encouraged her to revisit the forms. Mom still had difficulty thinking it through, but eventually she was able to tell us confidently exactly what she wanted. Now she can concentrate on more pleasant things again. Like coming home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello from the Flynn's.Sorry I have not gotten to read your blog,my computer crashed for a few days. I am also working part time at Kroger in the dairy dept.My hopes and prayers are with you Rosie ,We all love you.Everyone fine here.Take care.You have excellent care givers with you.
Mark and Deb Flynn