Monday, June 9, 2008

Under the Weather

We have been enjoying rain, rain and more rain here in Boyne City, Michigan. Everything is wet, including the clothes on the line.

For the last few days, Mom has been very sleepy and has communicated with difficulty. Nurse Catherine took her vitals on Friday; her blood pressure was 110/68, her lungs sounded clear, her pulse rate was good. She did have a slight temperature; her temperature and her change in behavior was consistent with her history of infection. Catherine took blood samples to the lab and we waited for results. Although it was a Friday and the impending inaccessiblity to services loomed over us, Dr. Karkosak was able to write an order to resume the sodium chloride hydration and Catherine hooked her back up early Friday evening.

Saturday, the rain let up for Haley's graduation open house. Mom had lots of visitors, including Dr. Karkosak. He told us to resume the antibiotics orally since she was still able to swallow her crushed pills (we them with fruity yogurt and a little bit of sugar). By Sunday morning we could tell the antibiotic was working. She was still very sleepy and slow to respond verbally, but she was much more present.

Sunday afternoon, Jon and Linda Darrow drove from Alma to visit Mom. We caught up on the news from our families, and Mom listened whenever she was awake. Olivia introduced them to Wii bowling before they returned home. As they left, it occured to me that I hadn't taken any pictures of their visit! We just had too nice a time.

Mom ate a few bites of baked beans in the evening, the first food other than yogurt since Friday. This morning I woke up at 6:45 a.m., and she woke up too. She replied to me when I wished her good morning, and when I asked if she was thirsty. I got her a glass of water, and she was able to suck it through the straw - another improvement. We've given her water by spoon and ice chips since Friday.

Nurse Catherine will be back today at 9:00 a.m. to check her out. In the early afternoon, Uncle Howard and Aunt Dorothy, her brother and sister, are driving from Traverse City to see her.

I have a few pictures from Saturday that I'll post when I get back to Grand Rapids. Thanks for checking in.

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