Sunday, June 22, 2008

Temperature and Treatment

Mom has had her ups and downs over the last couple of weeks. Ups and downs in temperature, coumadin and potassium levels, mood, ability to communicate - every day or two brings new decline or improvement.

When I returned to Suzy's the weekend of the 6th, Mom was very quiet, incoherent when she spoke, lethargic. I've grown accustomed to seeing marked improvement in her behavior and alertness after a course of antibiotics. The improvement came the morning of the 9th. She was alert, communicative - still quiet, but verbally and facially animated - and in a good mood. She was doing so much better we hoped she might be able to make it to Cody's graduation open house in T.C. But as the week progressed, she began to regress again. The yo-yo effect has continued. She was improved on the 16th, then began to ebb again through the week.

Friday the 20th was a good day. Suzy took the little ones out for their birthday lunch at La Seniorita in Gaylord, and Tina came to spend the afternoon with Mom and me. Mom slept a lot, but when she was awake she was talkative and fun. The antibiotics we started on Thursday night seemed to be doing their work.

Saturday morning, Mom was quiet, inarticulate and had a low grade temp. By the afternoon, she was hovering around 100 degrees. We began giving her childrens tylenol in oral suspension to try to bring the fever down. It seemed to help, but today her fever climbed slowly to 101.6. Suzy called Dr. Karkosak, and he told us to give her 1000 mg of tylenol, then motrin in the evening. The last we checked her temperature it was back around 100 degrees.

Right now, Mom is sleeping well and is comfortable. Suzy asked her if she was in any pain, and she mouthed an emphatic "no." So, we're keeping her as cool as possible, door open and fan running. It's a beautiful day here in Boyne City for keeping the door open. It's warm and sunny with a lovely breeze. I propped Mom's head up to her left so when she opens her eyes she can see how beautiful it is outside.

There will come a time when antibiotics and tylenol will not help Mom anymore. We're hoping that time is not soon, but we believe Mom's life has always been in the Lord's hands and that nothing will take her from us out of his will. Please pray with us that Mom's time continues to be peaceful, comfortable and joyful.

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