As I mentioned in my last post, Mom's health takes periodic dives and then bounces back. The good spell that followed her rebound on June 30 lasted about a week. She enjoyed watching fireworks lit by the kids outside her bedroom door on Independence Day - in fact, she had looked forward to them all day long. The screeches and whistles were a little much for her, but she continually commented on the beautiful display.
The following week Mom began to grow quiet. There was no infection, but she couldn't seem to speak above a whisper and slowly stopped speaking altogether. Even telling her "I love you," to which she always replies, didn't get a verbal or facial response. Bill and Tyler came early July 13 to install a screen door for her, and Tina came with Aunt Dorothy, Dan, Tami, Devon and Makayla later. Mom smiled a little for the babies, but did not respond much to the rest of us.
Then, in keeping with tradition, when Monday came I greeted her with "Good morning, Mama," and she said, "Well, hi honey!" It was a joy to hear from her again.
That rebound has stayed pretty consistent since. She is experiencing some pain in her joints, her left shoulder and her abdomen. We are administering oral morphine and vicoden in oral suspension to keep her comfortable. She is generally happy and conversant, constantly talking to us and to her occasional hallucinations.
Recently she has given us some fun new Rose-isms, which we will share with you in a later post.
Below are some pictures and a video clip from the last three weeks.
Friend Lei visiting on July 13, Aunt Dorothy in background. Lei sings "The Joy of the Lord is My Strength" to Mom whenever they get together.
Mom, Bill and Tyler.
Tina and Mom.
Dan, Mom and Tami.
Below is a video of Devon saying good-bye to Grandma Rose. You may have to go to the blog to view this if you are receiving this post via email. Go to and click the right pointing arrow on the video clip.
Last weekend, Paul and Suzy renewed their wedding vows for their 25th wedding anniversary. Mom had a lot of visitors. Here is Mom with Tina and Aunt Dorothy.
Sometime over the weekend someone put these glasses on her - I don't remember who. But we did tell her she looked like Jackie O. She wasn't impressed, but she liked the glasses.
Mom posed for me just before I left for GR on Monday, July 21. Very happy, comfortable and gracious for the camera.
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