Thursday, October 9, 2008

Stop your applause. Really. I mean it!

As of Thursday, Mom's labs were typical. Her hemoglobin is 8.4 - low, but with the range she has maintained. Her magnesium was low so she is receiving supplements, but Suzy will try to get the magnesium added to her fluids to eliminate the need for another pill. She can still reach her face with her hands. In fact, I gave her carmel corn to eat with her fingers, and she was able to feed herself for the first time in months. Evan made her a grilled cheese sandwich yesterday cut in four pieces, and she ate it all with her own hands. She is very proud, and so are we!

Last weekend Mom was still very talkative. She is very observant of people who are with her and those who are not really there. She has tried to get out of bed many times, which is good exercise for her but not possible. She is constantly working on an imaginary something, like sewing, making supper for the family, eating a snack, working a puzzle. Sometimes these activities are frustrating to her, but most of the time she is content to be working.

On Tuesday night Mom became very frustrated and angry at Cameron for not doing something she thought he was supposed to do. Her anger deepened, even though she was gently told he hadn't done anything wrong. When she heard clapping on the television, she said, "He (Cameron) is conjuring this clapping to our demise." Although it was articulately funny, it was time for Cameron and Olivia to leave Grandma for a while. Olivia went back later to give her a good night hug and kiss, then again. The second visit, Grandma hugged and kissed back.

Mom has frequently forgotten that she is home. She often speaks as if she's at our house in Traverse City waiting for Dad to come home, or at her childhood home on eleventh street waiting for her brother Jack to play with her. It must be so difficult for her to constantly return from her memories to her bed at Suzy's. She has been almost always sweet and compliant during this illness. She's entitled to some expression of frustration and anger, in whatever form it finds its way out of her. We can certainly make room for it. Suzy will monitor her pain levels in case some of her frustration is related to physical pain.

I spoke with Mom last night before going to bed. She was her usually happy self, and our conversation was normal.

"Hi Mom!"

"Hi Patty! How's every little thing?"

"Fine. I miss you."

"I miss you too, Patty."

"I'm coming to see you on Friday, and I'm going to stay with you for three whole nights."

"Oh, that will be wonderful!"

"Good night Mom. I'll see you in my dreams."

"I'll see you in my dreams too. I love you Patty."

"I love you too, Mom."

Pictures from Sunday are below. I see now that they are posted that I really need to recharge my camera batteries. Sorry for the poor quality.

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