Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sunday Morning

Mom seems to be sleeping well as I write. Last night she began to have leg tremors - more like convulsions - and anxiety. Suzy was the first to spot it, just after dinner. Mom had a few more off and on through the evening. She was given morphine to calm her nerves, which, as you know, is her favorite. Around midnight she was still having anxiety, so the doctor ordered Ativan, an effective anti-anxiety medication. At about 12:30 a.m. the tremors increased, about every minute or two for a few seconds. At 1:15 a.m. she was given more morphine. She had a few small tremors after that, and she finally fell asleep around 1:30 a.m. Suzy suspected yesterday that the tremors could be a symptom of Keppra withdrawal. I spoke with the nurse about it last night, and I'll speak with the doctors this morning.

Saturday was full of fun and visitors. Tina and Aunt Dorothy came up in the mid afternoon and stayed for several hours. They read funny church bulletin sayings and laughed a lot. Tina groomed Mom's finger nails for her again. Aunt Dorothy brought her more comfortable clothes, including a pair of super soft pajamas, blue like her eyes. Corey, Jaime, and Jodi were here for several hours, Corey coming twice, once during his lunch hour. Mom was alert and snappy with the humor, even though she didn't have a lot of sleep Friday night.

I'll probably write later today - just wanted to let you all know how the night went and to be the first to wish you a Happy Easter. Celebrate our risen Lord with us today!

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